Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Finished up the odds and ends of my shoots, including my standups which I haven't had the courage to view as I don't want to see anything wrong and have to reshoot them. It was a challenge doing them in the market as Afghans will crowd close and stare at you or into the camera. It's endearing but visually questionable from a TV standpoint. And it's hard to nail your take knowing that at any minute some local Talib could be calling in a hostage-taking. They do love to nap Westerners lollygagging at bazaars. 

Naheed's "mosquito bites" have taken a turn for the bubonic. I told you to see a doctor! OK I haven't given you my post address yet but I will. 

I went to Mokhtar my driver/fixer/translator's house for tea. It's in one of the Hazara areas... it's huge and beautiful which was a bit of a surprise. We ate watermelon alone as his family was off preparing for a wedding. I wish I could afford to pay him more. It's already costing me twice as much as I budgeted for as I monopolized his services which I was supposed to be splitting with Naheed, but 5 stories in less than 2 weeks was always going to be ambitious. But I seem to have pulled it off. Maybe I should say that once I get the tapes back to Canada.

We talked about traveling and I told him how much you learn and how many of your habits change because of your experiences in other countries ie. I don't waste water anymore after 9 months of privation in Sierra Leone. He asked me an interesting question: how would I change after Afghanistan. I think of course I will appreciate all of the freedoms we enjoy in Canada, but I appreciated the Afghan lack of overt sexuality from 6-year-olds wearing lowriders and singing along to Akon's "I wanna @uck you" complete with hip thrusts. It's nice to have the freedom to express oneself, but there's something to be said for modesty, male and female.

I missed dinner and now face the unhappy prospect of trying to fall asleep hungry. All I had today was mellon. Lots of it, granted, but it does tend to evaporate in your stomach. I'm eyeing my notebooks hungrily.

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